Main Campus process for requesting HSC Affiliate Accounts to access RedCap

The Main Campus Office of the Vice President for Research and the HSC Office of Research have collaborated to streamline the access to RedCap for main campus researchers. Please follow the instructions below to request access to RedCap.

(Two Parts. Requesting an Affiliate Account and Requesting RedCap Access)
Note: It is recommended that users requesting affiliate accounts get a sense of the process by reading all the steps before initiating a new request.

Part One: Request an HSC Affiliate Account

NOTE: Please be aware that this process may take up-to 10 business days. Build this process into your research project plans.

Part Two: Request access to REDCap

NOTE: These steps are time sensitive so be on the lookout for emails coming from to complete the access to RedCap request process.

Part One

To request an HSC affiliate account for Main Campus Research Faculty, a request can be made by going to and filling out the form.

he Affiliate Request Form will ask for the following information about the new affiliate user: Once the form is submitted CTSC (Clinical and Translational Science Center) REDCap admin will start a record in Banner, Human Resources will:

  1. Approve the new user to the AFIL_REDCAP_HSC Banner role with an expiration date of ONE year

  2. Send this information to HSC Central Technology for the processing of an HSC Net-ID for the individual


When HSC Central IT (Information Technology) has created the account, you will get an email from send to the affiliate users current email address with their new HSC Net-ID and a default password. You will have instructions on how to reset your password. If you have difficulty contact HSC IT Help Desk at 505-272-1694.

The time to get your HSC affiliate account can range from 2-10 days (about 1 and a half weeks). Please do a search in your email for if you have not received your email within 10 days (about 1 and a half weeks).

Affiliate accounts are only good for 365 days. You will receive reminder emails at 30, 15, 7, and 2 days until expiration. The emails should be from

When HSC Central IT (Information Technology) has created the account, you will get an email from send to the affiliate users current email address with their new HSC Net-ID and a default password. You will have instructions on how to reset your password. If you have difficulty contact HSC IT Help Desk at 505-272-1694.

The time to get your HSC affiliate account can range from 2-10 days (about 1 and a half weeks). Please do a search in your email for if you have not received your email within 10 days (about 1 and a half weeks).

Affiliate accounts are only good for 365 days. You will receive reminder emails at 30, 15, 7, and 2 days until expiration. The emails should be from

Part Two

Log in and request a Redcap account using the Redcap Account Request Form

After you log in you will need to click the affiliate account arrow to fill out the information for you2 REDCap access.

Within 24-48 hours the affiliate will receive notification.

Notification of Redcap Account Initiation Process

[REDCap] Verify your email address RedCap will need to verify your affiliate account. You will receive an email.

[REDCap] Verify your email address RedCap will need to verify your affiliate account. You will receive an email.

REDCap 2-step login (VALID FOR 15 MINUTES) After you verify your affiliate account in the previous step, Redcap will send you a verification code.

Note: This authorization step is required every time you access RedCap.

Once the Two Verification has been completed successfully, the Redcap access can be accessed and managed here.


Account Renewal Steps


  1. Both the HSC affiliate account and the Redcap account have expiration dates of one year. They can be setup to expire at the same time. Redcap begins sending reminders to the user 3 weeks prior to expiration, and then several additional times until the account has been renewed or the expiration date has passed. Affiliate users should check their spam folders occasionally for these messages. To renew Redcap, the user should click the “Renewal” option on the Redcap Account Request Form here.

  2. When the request-to-renew has been received, the Redcap account will be renewed for an additional year, usually within 24 - 48 hours (about 2 days). Banner Roles for affiliate users will also be renewed for an additional year.

  3. If these steps have been followed and the affiliate user has problems logging in due to an unresolved expiration date, they can send a message to for support. When writing for support, the troubleshooting process will be quicker if the user includes their HSC Net-ID, Banner Number and that they are an affiliate account user in the email.